Odessa high School - Over a Century of Excellance

Odessa High School

Odessa High School


Tri-Hi-Y - 1969

Sakari - 1970

Fourth Row:
Brenda McCorkle, Donna Raley

Third Row
: Rain Boyd [treasurer], Susan Nelson [corresponding secretary], Debbie Green [ president], Glenda Ballew, [historian]

Second Row:
Glenda Price [parliamentarian], Diana Emfinger [secretary] Judie Langston [reporter] Mikki Smith, [sergeant at arms]

Front Row
Joanie Hubnik, [chaplain] Mary McTee, Dee Hollingsworth

If you would like to submit a story about an experience you had in Odessa High School email them to me. I will review them and select the stories that I think will be of general interest to the alumni of Odessa High High School. I will also edit at my discretion all stories submitted. This editing will be kept a minimum and will only be done for clarity. Submission does not guarantee posting on this page.  To make submission click here. Bob McSpadden Class of 1970