Odessa high School - Over a Century of Excellance

Odessa High School

Odessa High School


Capri Tri-Hi-Y - 1969

Capri - 1969

Back Row
 [Kathy Fenter] [Wanda Weathersby] [Sherrin Evans] [Sharon Bish] [Mary Helen Hurt] [Jan Worley] [Sharon Cooper] [Nancy Agnew] [Jan Wilkerson] [Aubin  Francis]

Middle Row
 [Susan Searls] [Linda Davis] [Vicki Cavin] [Beth Pool] [Jean Ann Carr] [Lynette Corbell] [Diane Williford] [Paddi Brunner] [Joyce Wein]

Front Row
 [Nikki Wescott] [Marilyn Ham] [Jana Clinton] [Melissa McIntyre] [Lee Anna Fenter] [Jamie Wortham]   

If you would like to submit a story about an experience you had in Odessa High School email them to me. I will review them and select the stories that I think will be of general interest to the alumni of Odessa High High School. I will also edit at my discretion all stories submitted. This editing will be kept a minimum and will only be done for clarity. Submission does not guarantee posting on this page.  To make submission click here. Bob McSpadden Class of 1970