OHS Class of 1967 50-Year Reunion
The time is winding down to take advantage of the $25.00 reunion fee. Only 25 days left to get your money in. PLEASE Notify and encourage all your friends and former classmates to come to the 50th year reunion. Hope to see everyone there.
6201 E Highway 80 (business 20) Odessa, Texas 79762 432-362-2311
(Registration does not include Golf Fees)
September 29, 2017 Golf Please contact Roy Bingham @ 817-401-8360 or Mike Brooks @ 432-638-3177 to tell them you want to play.
September 29, 2017 6:00pm Checking in and Visiting at MCM FunDome
September 30, 2017 10:00am Tour OHS
No events scheduled for the afternoon. Just hanging out at MCM Fundome.
September 30, 2017
(There will be a cash bar from 5:00pm until 11:30pm on September 30th)
A block of rooms has been reserved for September 29-30, 2017 @MCM FunDome
Please send registration money to:
OHS '67 C/O Sharon Smith Case
4824 Travis Oaks Dr.
Marble Falls, Texas 78654
For questions contact:
Sharon 432-528-9153 - bsss4@aol.com
or Julie 432-425-2757 - kupperja@cableone.net